Social Housing
Gain real time insights into your property portfolio with an intelligent monitoring solution for Housing Providers.
Social Housing providers across the UK are responsible for managing tens of thousands of properties. Poor property conditions cause serious problems for the property and tenant health, resulting in the need for constant refurbishments costing millions of pounds every year.
An Intelligent housing solution aims to reduce maintenance costs of properties by deploying sensors to gain real time insights into the health of each property, enabling the Housing Provider’s limited resources to better support tenants and avoid costly refurbishments. Alerts can be automatically generated if problems arise or are predicted to, notifying the tenants and Housing Provider to take corrective action so that the property and tenant remain healthy.

- Significant cost savings can be achieved with advance warning of potential moisture issues
- More informed decisions can be made through captured data and reporting trends enabling a more targeted focus on expenditure to be taken to tackle defect areas
- Notifications alert providers to potential abandoned properties, fuel property or unauthorised occupancy
- Dynamic reporting provides a credible platform for tackling complaints and legal cases
- Service improvements can be achieved through the reduction in complaints as providers are alerted to, and can address, potential issues earlier
- Resource management is improved as proactive maintenance scheduling can be implemented